I had planned to write an article on the Omicron fear that authorities and the media attacked the public with when nothing was known about the variant other than it was mild as reported by the South African doctor (S.African doctor says patients with Omicron variant have “very mild” symptoms
Omicron is not mild. It's more deadly:
Also refer to: https://www.medscape.com/for-you?uac=369567FZ&faf=1&sso=true&impID=4019784&src=WNL_recnlnew3_220214_MSCPEDIT_other_artid968283
“Mass Formation Psychosis:” Robert Malone’s Super-villain Origin Story
MedPage Today: Just What is ‘Mass Formation Psychosis?’
LASTLY, DO REFER TO THIS: https://andrewgbenjamin.substack.com/p/the-man-who-did-not-invent-mrna-tech
Respectful Insolence: Dr. Robert Malone Goes Full AntiVaccine Conspiracist
Nonzero: Is Robert Malone Crazy?
I don't waste my time with people like you.
Of course not. It is because you cannot, using evidence, dispute what I wrote.
Or will write. https://creativedestructionmedia.com/meet-the-team/